
Unit 11, Activity 2

Index Activity 3

Have You Ever...?

How much do you know about the environment? Answer these questions to find out:

A common variation of the Present Perfect Tense is the phrase ‘Have you ever...’. Here, ‘ever’ means anytime in your life until now.

As usual, with the Present Perfect Tense, we need to use the past participle (the third form of the verb):

Wrong: Have you ever saw that movie?
Right: Have you ever seen that movie?

One interesting thing about using ‘have you ever...?’ is that in the answer, when we give details, we tend to switch over to the past tense:

Brian: Have you seen the latest James Bond movie?
Susan: Yes, I have. I saw it last week with Lucy.


Notes and activities on the present perfect tense are here. Practise past participles here.