Listen again and read through the language notes. Discuss the notes with your group.
1 How did the speaker structure his pitch?
a By talking about economic benefits, social benefits and advantages over the competition.
b By making an emotional and then a logical argument.
c By listing the key features and specifications of the product.
2 “But you have such a beautiful downtown area.”
We use 'such' to emphasize an adjective/noun combination:
You have such beautiful hair.
You have such a fancy office!
I have such a boring job.
Occasionally, we use it simply with a noun:
That client is such an idiot!
This application form is such a pain!
Now you try. Write out five sentences with the word ‘such’:
2 ____________________________________
3 ____________________________________
4 ____________________________________
5 ____________________________________
3 There is a trend for companies to use the words ‘green’ or ‘eco’ when naming a new product. Can you think of some examples?