You will hear five short audio clips where causes and effects are discussed.
While you listen, read the sentences below. Identify any sentence which is not exactly what you hear:
1 One thing that we all seem to face in modern life is stress.
2 Stress will cause all kinds of health problems.
3 But what cause the people to turn to crime?
4 People from broken families are more like to become criminals.
5 Staff turnover is a major problem in the call center industry, but why?
6 Another thing is that the hours can be long and irregular.
7 The people who engage in office politics consume the company’s times and resource for their own gains.
8 It’s really quite difficult to measure the effects of office politics
9 Keeping a pet can have a great positive in fact on your life.
10 Pets have a calming effect on us and they keep us feeling lonely.